Lilypie Maternity tickers

Lilypie Maternity tickers

Wednesday, March 18, 2009


Looks innocent doesn't he? Don't be fooled. Last night after I got home from work my husband & I were sitting on the couch talking. Our 2 four-legged children were wrestling & such, mostly over a bone both wanted. Naturally, the big dog should win, right?! Well Elvis is somewhat of a push over & let Max have it (or so we thought). Elvs disappears & suddenly we hear a squeaker toy in the back bedroom being squeaked rapidly. Max stops knawing on the bone & looks up. "A toy? I wanna play" he seems to think. I told Max 'no' that it was a mean trick, Elvis only wanted to lure him away so the bone would be left free to steal. But you just can't talk sense into a dog when his attention is completely fixated on something else. Max jumps off the couch searching for the toy & within seconds Elvis hops back onto the couch. He takes the bone & hasn't an ounce of remorse, a smidge of compassion, or a bit of regret. Elvis is happy. He tricked a puppy & got away with it. And there are 2 human witnesses that can attest to this scheme. We couldn't believe it. Elvis had planned this all out & it worked! We laughed the rest of the night & I know this will be a story we'll laugh about for a long time. That dog sure is smart. I'm still in shock he knew all the right steps to take. How do you think he knew to do that? (Even though he's guilty, we still love him)


Jessi, DJ, Annica and Eli said...

OH my GOODESS! you have got quite the litle brain there Elvis! you smart little (excuse me, I mean Big) dog! This is hilarious!! Its like something a grown man would need to think out! dogs really do have more brains than us don't they? Forget contention, just trick 'em!