So here's life at 28 weeks!
I feel good and I'm measuring right on spot according to my appointment last week. I've gained about 20 lbs and each time we do these pictures I'm amazed! Is my belly really that big now? Watching my body change has been a fun experience. I remember reading how it becomes harder to do things, like getting up off the couch or out of bed, and bending down.
They're right. It does.
Living on a tropical island has it's advantages, but being pregnant makes for a whole new adventure. I eat popsicles like mad!! I remember one day I was not having it. That night I laid up in my bed eating a raspberry Italian ice popsicle. I was the happiest pregnant lady (not to mention the back rub from Aaron). I slept like a baby. I think my hormones are just now catching up. I didn't feel too emotional in the beginning. Over the last few weeks though I've cried a number of times! Certain songs, the heat, my skin (pregnancy is wreaking havoc on my face!) my aching feet or twisted all brought me to tears. Thanks to my dear hubby for being sensitive to my needs and making me feel better. OK, I better stop. I feel the water works coming on.