Lilypie Maternity tickers

Lilypie Maternity tickers

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Christmas 2008

I can't believe another Christmas has passed. We had a nice one in Alabama visiting my family & seeing good friends. It was a long drive there & back, but fortunately it went quickly. The both of us received gifts, but the best part was spending time with those we don't see often. I think Aaron got quite the taste of my extended family. On one side we are loud & laugh alot. On the other side low key, but still just as much love to go around. I really appreciate them & their love for us. Here are a few pictures to enjoy. I can't believe how big my little sister & brothers are getting. Everyone is growing up so fast & it's these special moments that mean more to me the older I get.


Unknown said...

Aww so cute! Sounds like y'all had fun! I wish I could've been in Bama! And please tell me that last picture is NOT you lil bro Ben?!? Haha