Lilypie Maternity tickers

Lilypie Maternity tickers

Tuesday, July 28, 2009


I figured I should post a quick update on the status of our move. I could go into a really l-o-n-g story about how things have been playing out, but like I said it's really l-o-n-g. So I'm gonna sum it up best I can. After the Navy decided they were going to change a few things in our orders, we finally received the correct revised orders about 2 1/2 weeks ago. We had already notified our apartment managers that we were expected to leave the area at the end of July. Once the new orders came through we saw that we needed to actually extend our lease through August. Well...(not to my surprise) they informed us they have already rented it out to a guy who will move in 15th of Aug. No worries, we scrambled around making quick plans to adjust to this new curve ball thrown at us. We were able to schedule the movers on short notice, decided I had to move down to Alabama 3 weeks early while Aaron finishes up work here, and now I'm in the process of going through our things & preparing for the movers to come next week! I'm excited about being back home to spend time with my family & friends down there before taking off half way across the world. I'm also sad to be leaving all the wonderful friends we have made here. It just doesn't seem real...this has been our home since Aaron & I got married. We have alot of sweet memories here. Virginia Beach will always have a special part of my heart. I feel like I've been in a whirlwind lately with all these little things on my mind. I know everything works out they way it's supposed to, I just can't believe we're already here at this moment. It really did come quick. So we're on to new things now, can't wait! ( I posted a picture of the island we are going to be living on)


Jessi, DJ, Annica and Eli said...

whoa! that came fast!! ... i need to email you!

Unknown said...

I am glad everything came together!! By the way I may possibly be in Bama at the end of October! Will you still be there?? I hope so!! I would love to see you before you leave!!

P.S. That's a beautiful pic of the island!!